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Why Zebras Don`t Get Ulcers.

Why Zebras Don`t Get Ulcers.

book stressmanagement stressrelief
Short Description:
Why Zebras Don`t Get Ulcers declares itself as "Guide to stress, stress-related diseases and coping" on the first page of its latest edition, (Third Edition). The book is written by Robert M. Sapolsky. the book was first published in 1994,on the first page of its latest edition,

Product Description

Why Zebras Don`t Get Ulcers By Robert M. Sapolsky.

Why Zebras Don`t Get Ulcers By Robert M. Sapolsky.
Why Zebras Don`t Get Ulcers declares itself as "Guide to stress, stress-related diseases and coping" on the first page of its latest edition, (Third Edition). The book is written by Robert M. Sapolsky. the book was first published in 1994, on the first page of its latest edition.

About The Author.

Robert Sapolsky is a professor of biology and neurology at Stanford University. He is also a research associate with the Institute Of Primate Research, National Museum Of Kenya. He is also the author of A Primate`s Memoir and the trouble with Testosterone. This was a Los Angels Times Book Award finalist.

It seems odd until you think about the fact that this biologist also studies the brain and nervous system with his studies in neurology. In fact, his twin disciples made him the perfect person to write this ground-breaking stress book.

Why Zebras Don`t Get Ulcers, the title is derived from Sapalsky's idea. That the stress in animals such as zebras is usually episodic, (e.g., escaping from a lion). While in humans stress is often chronic (e.g. anxious to lose your job). Therefore, many wild animals are less susceptible than humans to chronic stress disorders such as ulcers, hypertension, reduced neurogenesis, and hippocampal neuronal atrophy. However, for people below the social dominance classification, there is a chronic pressure on some social primates (Sapolsky reading baboon).

One of Sapolsky’s major point is that stress is a holdover from our hunter-gatherer days. Back in those days you needed the fight or flight response that stress brings about to survive any encounters with predators or to help you escape dire situations.

In those days stress happened quickly and went away quickly, and stress could save your life. Now stress can be constant and is a big problem.

Being a biologist, Sapolsky goes into all the causes of stress as well as all the bad implications on what it can do to our bodies.

Reasons To Read The Book.

One of the reasons that make this book great, however, is the writing. Sapolsky is a world-class scientist, but he shares his ideas in an easy-going personal manner.

The author used cool examples and a bit of humor and good examples drive home his points. He is never cold and clinical and overly 22scientific with his approach. He writes with great compassion and a sense of humor.

There is only one negative. This book is perfect for describing everything you might want to know about stress. But the section on what to do about it leaves something to be desired. If you worry about stress, get this book for the explanation on stress and one of the other books on this list to help you cope with stress.

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  • Paperback: 560 pages.
  • Publisher: Holt Paperbacks.
  • Language: English.
  • ISBN-10: 0805073698.
  • ISBN-13: 978-0805073690.
  • Product Dimensions: 16 cm x 2.6 cm x 22.9 cm.

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