bestsellers books mystery mythology


bestsellers books mystery mythology
Short Description:
"Inferno" is a mystery thriller novel written by Dan Brown in 2003.he story in Inferno begins when Robert Langdon wakes up in a hospital in Florence.

Product Description

Inferno by Dan Brown.

Inferno by Dan Brown.
"Inferno" is a mystery thriller novel written by American author Dan Brown in 2003. This was the fourth novel of his Robert Langdon series. The previous works of this series are Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, and The Lost Symbol.

This book was published on 14th May 2013, ten years after the publication of The Da Vinci Code by Doubleday. It was one of The New York Times bestseller list for the first eleven weeks of its release. A film adaption was released in United State on October 28, 2016.

The name "Inferno" is Derives from the first part of Dante Alighieri`s "The Divine Comedy" written in the 14th century, which tells about his journey to hell.

The Story in the novel Inferno Begins.

The story in the novel "Inferno" begins when the famous symbolist Robert Langdon wakes up in a hospital in Florence, Italy. And he realizes that he can't remember anything from the last two days of his life.

HE soon discovered that he was the target of an International organization "The Consortium".

To find out the answer to some of the questions like What is he doing in Florence?. How did he get here?. Who is trying to kill him? and etc. He has to decipher Boticelli`s La Mappa Dell "Inferno"- The map of Hell.

D.r Sienna, a medical practitioner helped him to find the answer. As soon as the answers are unveiled, Landon discovers that a mad scientist was trying to copy "Black Death". this was one of the most devastating plagues in Europe, wiping out one-third of the world's population in order to solve the world population problem.

But the problem is the scientist is dead and has hidden the virus in some unknown location.

The slues that tell about the location are encrypted in a sequence of symbols, al related to Dante and Inferno, which Langdon is deciphering.

The clock is ticking and it has only one day, will Langdon arrive on time?

A large part of the novel is set in Florance and uses Dan Brown`s history and landmarks very effectively.

The search leads Landon to many notable historical Landmarks, including those related to Dante. And the clues also took Langdon to Venice and Istanbul.

All these three cities are rich in history and have numerous historical sites. This has given the author much to write about the period of time, the details become too much to accept and retain.


The character of Sienna plays a major role in the novel. He is a "Rainman" with super-human IQ and photographic memory. The character of Cinsky and Jobrist are very well defined.

Provost, head of the Consortium is initially very much infected but his end is very Abrupt and vague.

Read this book Inferno by Dan Brown.

I request you, people, to read this book "Inferno" written by Dan Brown to know, How did Robert Langdon lose his memory?. Who is trying to kill him?. Where is the virus hidden? Can Langdon decipher the symbol in time?


      Product Details:

  • Paperback: 619 pages.
  • Publisher: Corgi.
  • Language: English.
  • ISBN-10: 9780552169592.
  • ISBN-13: 978-0552169592.
  • ASIN: 0552169595.
  • Package Dimensions: 17.8 cm x 11 cm x 4.4 cm.

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