bestsellers books mythology novels trilogy


bestsellers books mythology novels trilogy
Short Description:
THE OATH OF VAYUPUTRAS: This is the third and final book in SHIVA TRILOGY written by AMISH TRIPATHI. The novel was published in 2013.

Product Description


THE OATH OF VAYUPUTRAS: This is the third and final book in SHIVA TRILOGY written by AMISH TRIPATHI. The novel was published in 2013.


On meeting BHRASPATI in PANCHABATI, SHIVA learned that the "evil" SOMRAS and its effect on the people. BHRASPATI explained how a large amount of SARASWATI river water is required to manufacture the SOMRAS. Which resulted in the crisis of its water. He also explained how the waste generates from the processing of SOMRAS is dump in the river TASNGO. This river flows through BARANGA territory as BRAHMAPUTRA which results in their disastrous epidemic. Also, the deformed birth of NAGA babies is considered as SORAS results in the growth of cells at a very fast rate. And this outgrowth of cells makes people deform.

Shiva now travels to the hidden city of UJJAIN to meet GOPAL (the chief of Vasudev pandits). Gopal explains how an ancient tribe is left by the LORD RUDRA the previous Mahadev. The tribes are living in a remote land of PARIAH. Gopal also asked Shiva to train one of the tribe members to be NEELKHANT. Shiva comes to the conclusion that his uncle MANOBHU, who was once a VAYUPUTRA member can bee trained as NEELKHANT.

As Meluha was the center of manufacturing Somras, Shiva declared a holy war on the kingdom. And appeal to the people of Meluha to stop using the drink. Parveteswar decides to join Meluha as he thinks it is his duty to defend his motherland. Anadamayi joins him too.

The preparation of war starts from Barang. Vaishali and Kashi come to Shiva s aid, he also takes Bharangs, Nagas and elephant corp of Vasudev to attack Meluha. Kartik and Ganesh together attacked Ayodha to prevent them aiding Meluhans, in which they were successful. Shiva captured the city of Mritikavati and imprisoned its citizens. VIDYUNMALI, leds Meluhan army and believes Shiva to be a fraud escapes. And persuade Bhrigu and Parvatewar to attack Sati s army using a thousand troops of Meluha to defeat her.


Due to this defeat, Shiva decides to abundant the plan to invade Meluha and leave for Pariha with Gopal to procure Brahmastra (the deadly weapon) to threaten Meluhans to become peace with them. In PARIAH they meet MITRA, the chief of Vayuputras. Mitra was Shiva`s maternal uncle. He convinced the Vayuputras that Shiva is the real Neelkantha and gives him the PASUPATIASTRA (a weapon that acts on a specific target rather than destroying everything like BRAHMASTRA). By the time Parvetewar use the hidden ship to make Kali believe that he is going to attack Panchavati. Kali takes the challenge and comes with the best Nagas soldiers in their pursuits but later she realizes her mistakes and went back.

Daksha plans to kill Shiva for which he sends Vidhumali to get an Egyptian assassin and he framed a formal agreement for peace. Due to Shiva`s absence, Sati attended the conference and finds the truth. She fights with the Egyptian assassin bravely but she was killed. The war ends when Sati died.


This made Shiva angry and he decided to destroy Devgiri forever. Parvetwar and Anandamayi decide to stay back in the city and die. Kartik persued Baigru to remain alive so that he can share his knowledge with the future generations. Shiva uses the Pasupatiastra to destroy Devgiri forever along with the Somras manufacturing unit beneath the city.

In the end, Shiva retires to Mount Kailas where he lives the rest of his days though he misses Sati every time. Ganesh and Katik became renowned gods for their bravery and ability in winning the war. They wiped out the Egyptian assassin responsible for Sati`s death. Baiguru teaches and collates his knowledge in a book known as Bhigru Samhita. No one forgot Sati, she is known as goddess Sakti. Her ashes are spread all over the country and the places are known as Shaktipeeths. in order to ensure that no Somras is manufacture again the course of the river Yamuna was turned towards the east which dried up the Saraswati river.


Product details:
  • Paperback: 575 pages
  • Publisher: Westland Publication
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9382618341
  • ISBN-13: 978-9382618348
  • Product Dimensions: 12.9 x 3.8 x 19.8 cm

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