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Stess Management

Stess Management

myblogs stressmanagement
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In this blog "Stress Management", we will discuss what is stress? how it comes? how is affect us in our daily life? will also discuss how to manage stress.

Product Description

Stress Management.

Stress Management.
In this blog "Stress Management", we will discuss what is stress? how it comes? how is affect us in our daily life?. We will also discuss how to manage stress and get relief from stress.

We will learn about a number of books that help people to manage Your stress and get relief from it.

What is Stress?

What is Stress?

Stress is a mental or physical tension, that can arouse from an event or thought that makes us feel frustrated, nervous, or angry.

When the human body reacts to stress it releases hormones. These hormones make our brain more alert and cause our muscles to tense, and increase palpitations.

This kind of reaction can be positive for the short term, as it could help us to avoid danger or to meet a deadline. But it lasts for a long time, it harms our health.

What Are The Types Of Stress?

There are two kinds of stress. They are 1) Acute Stress, and 2) Chronic Stress.

Acute Stress.

In the short term, Acute Stress goes away. This kind of stress disorder can develop after one person due to one or more traumatic events. It can be events like managing dangerous situations or it also occurs when he or she pans something new or exciting. It can also happen due to meeting a deadline at the workplace.

Chronic Stress.

Chronic Stress.
Chronic stress lasts for a longer time. If you have financial problems, unhappy relationships, or the problem of losing jobs at the workplace, you may have chronic stress.

Chronic stress lasts for weeks or months. One may become so habitat to this stress that he or she may not even realize it as a problem. And if they do not find a way to manage this stress it can lead them to a serious health problem.

The serious health problems that may come due to prolonged chronic stress are:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Heart disease, Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Depression, or Anxiety.
  • Skin disease like Acne, or Eczema.
  • and Menstrual problems.

If you already have the above-mentioned health conditioned, then chronic stress can make it worse.

What Are The Signs Of Too Much Stress?

Stress can cause many types of health and emotional symptoms. Sometimes one may not realize that this is the symptoms which is been caused by stress.

Here are some signs, that stress may be affecting your health.

  • Diarrhea.
  • Constipation.
  • Forgetfulness.
  • Frequent aches and pains.
  • Headaches.
  • Lack of energy or focus.
  • Sexual Problems.
  • Stiff jaw or neck.
  • Tiredness.
  • Sleeping trouble or Sleeping too much.
  • Upset stomach.
  • Use of Drugs or Alcohol to relax.
  • Weight loss or gain.

The signs that effects emotions are

  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Unmotivated.
  • Depression or Anxiety.
  • Anger or irritability.
  • restlessness.
  • Racing thoughts or Constant worrying.
  • Problem with memory or concentration.
  • Making bad decisions.

What is Stress Management?

Stress Management is a broad spectrum of strategies and psychotherapy that typically aims to control a person`s stress especially chronic stress.

How Stress Is Managed?

There are lots of Stress Management techniques available. Some of these techniques are used by health professionals and some for Self-Help, which help a person reduce their stress level, provide positive felling.

The stress reduction strategies which include a daily routine for exercise, spending quality time with family and friend, meditation, writing down your thoughts, talking to a trusted person about what is bothering you, and many more.

It is also important to know that not all strategies work the same for everyone. So it is important to try different stress management techniques to find out which one works best for you.


There are also lots of books written by different authors which helps you know how to reduce stress. The authors of these books are experts, they especially work and research for stress management, they are either psychologists or Phychrastic or other health experts. These people have shared their experiences and the results of their research in the form of books. Many of these books have becomes the bestsellers and remained as popular as they were during their release.

There are also some authors who once suffered from acute or chronic stress themselves and have overcome by their own techniques. And now they share their own way to help other people to overcome the same through their books.

These stress management books are also known as Self-help or Motivational book. Because these books motivate its readers in such a way that they change their daily habits, which leads them to grow successful and get relief from stress.

In this blog, I will suggest 15 such books that will help you to manage your stress to get relief from it. It will also motivate you to do things in a new way which will lead you to a successful and joyful life ahead.

1. Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers.

Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers
Why Zebras Don`t Get Ulcers declares itself as "Guide to stress, stress-related diseases and coping" on the first page of its latest edition, (Third Edition). The book is written by Robert M. Sapolsky. the book was first published in 1994, on the first page of its latest edition.

It seems odd until you think about the fact that the author who is a biologist also studies the brain and nervous system with his studies in neurology. In fact, his twin disciples made him the perfect person to write this ground-breaking stress book.

One of the reasons that make this book great, however, is the writing. Sapolsky is a world-class scientist, but he shares his ideas in an easy-going personal manner.

The author used cool examples and a bit of humor and good examples drive home his points. He is never cold and clinical and overly 22scientific with his approach. He writes with great compassion and a sense of humor.

There is only one negative. This book is perfect for describing everything you might want to know about stress. But the section on what to do about it leaves something to be desired. If you worry about stress, get this book for the explanation on stress and one of the other books on this list to help you cope with stress. GET THIS BOOK @ AMAZON.

2. Don't Sweat The Small Stuff And It`s All Small Stuff.

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff And It`s All Small Stuff.
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff And It`s All Small Stuff is a self-help book. This book will also help readers to manage stress. The book is written by Richard Carlson.

When we are stressed, we waste our time considering the tiny little things in this world instead of fixing and looking back on what really pushes us into the edge."Don't Sweat The Small Stuff And It`s All Small Stuff." literally tells us not to sweat the smallest stuff, and to stop the things that stop our process in achieving stress-free life. There are some great tips in this book. The author ended the book by telling you to live every day as it is your last day. GET THIS BOOK @ AMAZON.

3. 10% Happier.

10% Happier.
10% Happier" is a spiritual book, written for someone who would never have read a spiritual book otherwise. The book is written by Dan Harries and this book was first published in March 2014.
"10% Happier" takes the reader on a journey from the outer edge of neuroscience to the bizarre edge of the American spiritual scene to the internal destination of network news and leaves them with a path that can change their lives. GET THIS BOOK @ AMAZON.

4. Who Moved My Cheese?

Who Moved My Cheese?
"Who Moved My Cheese?" is a motivational business fable. The book is written by Dr. Spencer Johnson and it was first published on September 8, 1998. 

Who Moved My Cheese? is the story that describes the change in one`s work and life, and four typical reactions to those changes by two mice and two "little people" during their hunt for cheese.

The characters in the story faced with an unexpected change in their search for cheese. one of them finally successfully deals with the change and writes down what he learns on the maze wall to discover you. GET THIS BOOK @ AMAZON.

5. Stress Management For Dummies.

Stress Management For Dummies.
"Stress Management For Dummies" is a very good and basic book on stress management. This book gives an overview of different causes of stress and how to manage stress in a clear transparent way. The book is written by Allen Elkin.

As the world is developing very and people here feel week at their works over a short time. And the reasons behind it may be stress and most people do not realize that they are actually stressed. The main reasons for their stress are due to the deadline in a negative way. Such kind of situation can be handle by meditation, mindfulness, and biofeedback.

The book Stress Management For Dummies talks about the techniques of meditations, mindfulness, and biofeedback. GET THIS BOOK @ AMAZON.

6. How To Stop Worrying And Start Living.

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living.
How To Stop Worrying And Start Living", is a self-help book. The book is written by "Dale Carnegie". This book will help its readers to reduce stress and live a joyful life.

n the preface of the book, How To Stop Worrying And Start Living, the author told that he wrote the book because "he was one of the unhappiest person in New York".

The aim of the book is to take the reader to a more enjoyable and fulfilling life. And helping them to become more aware not only themselves but also others around them. GET THIS BOOK @ AMAZON.

7. The upside Of Stress.

The upside Of Stress.
"The Upside Of Stress", the name itself suggests that this book talks about stress management. The book is written by Kelly Mc Gonigal in 2015. She is a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford Unversity. Her teachings and writings focus on the application of psychological science to personal health and happiness.

Almost 40% of the American agrees that they could not sleep well due to stress. And while people do everything they can to reduce it, Kelly Mc Gonigal delivers a startling message: Stress Is Not Bad in her book "The Upside Of The Stress".

This book is not a guide that talks about how to get rid out of stress, rather it is a guide that talks about how to get better at stress by understanding it, embracing it, and using it. GET THIS BOOK @ AMAZON.

8. Manage Your Time To Reduce Your Stress.

Manage Your Time To Reduce Your Stress.
"Manage Your Time To Reduce Your Stress", is a self-improvement book. It gives inspiring and effective tips for gaining control over our herculean workload and overbooked personal lives. The book is written by Rita Emmett, she is a "Recovering Procrastinator", Professional Speaker, and Best-selling author.

"Manage Your Time To Reduce Your Stress", is kind of a book that deals with stress. It can be easily considered as a time management book or a productivity book. This book combines positive psychology with time management techniques. The author is not particularly groundbreaking in either of these aspects. But the combination is a good one because she shows how not to fall into a lot of stress due to work stress, but due to inefficiency in dealing with work stress. GET THIS BOOK @ AMAZON.

9. The Four Agreement.

The Four Agreement.
"The Four Agreements", is a self-help book written by Don Miguel Ruiz. The book was first published in 1997. The book draws inspiration from a set of spiritual beliefs of the ancient Toltec people to help readers transform their lives into new experiences of freedom, true happiness, and love.

According to the author, everything a person does is based on an agreement they have made with themselves, with others, with God, and with life.

In this agreement, one can tell oneself who they are, how to behave, what is possible, and what is impossible. It may not be a problem to create, but there are some agreements that come out of fear and have the power to reduce one's mental strength as well as one's self-worth.

To know detail about The Four Agreements, GET THIS BOOK AT AMAZON.

10. Burnout: The Secret To Solving The Stress Cycle.

Burnout: The Secret To Solving The Stress Cycle.
Burnout: The Secret To solving The Stress Cycle, is a groundbreaking book that explains, why women experience burnout differently than men. The author of the book is Amilia Nagoski and Emily Nagoski, they are identical twins. Both the sisters are teachers and writers. Both of them are doctorates in two different fields and both of them approach wellbeing from perspectives of their research and practical experience.

Burnout: The Secret To solving The Stress Cycle, provides a simple science-based plan to help women to minimize stress, manage emotions, and to live a more joyful life. GET THIS BOOK @ AMAZON.

11. Mayo Clinic Guide To Stress-Free Living.

Mayo Clinic Guide To Stress-Free Living.
Mayo Clinic Guide To Stress-Free Living is a practical can-do-guide which offers clear steps to take to lower the bad kind of stress. The book is written by Dr. Amit Sood, M.D., M.Sc. He is a professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic College Of Medicine. He is also the chairperson of the Mind-Body Medicine Initiative at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

Dr.Sood shares his groundbreaking brain research to help you understand the two modes of the brain and tell you how an imbalance between them produces stress.

The Mayo Clinic Guide To Stress-FreeLiving, tells about how the brain works during stress and it suggests practice how to adjust it to reduce stress in life and life and live a more fulfilled and productive life. GET THIS BOOK @ AMAZON.

12. Rising Strong.

Rising Strong.
The Rising Strong is a mind-blowing, life-changing, and an inventive approach to healing and self-help. The book talks about what exactly we should do when we fail. It shows us how to get up back and stronger, and better.

The book Rising Strong, is written by Dr. Brene Brown. She is a research professor at the University Of Hutson. She also holds The Huffington Foundation- Brene Brown endowed chair at The Graduate College Of Social Work. Brene is also a visiting professor in management at the University Of Texas at Austin Mccombs School Of Business. GET THIS BOOK @ AMAZON.

13. The Highly Sensitive Person: How To Thrive When The World Overwhelms You.

The Highly Sensitive Person: How To Thrive When The World Overwhelms You.
"The Highly Sensitive Person", is the first book that helps its readers to know about their high sensitivity character and make the most use of it. The book is written by Elaine N Aron, she is a clinical, research psychologist and author. Aron has studied highly sensitive personality science since 1990. 

14. The Headspace Guide: How Mindfulness Can Change Your Life In Ten Minutes A Day.

The Headspace Guide: How Mindfulness Can Change Your Life In Ten Minutes A Day.
"The Headspace Guide", is a great book, it talks about the skill of mindfulness. It gives a clear picture of what meditation is and what it is not. The book is written by Andy Puddicombe. This book was first published in 2011, by St. Martin`s Griffin. The author, Andy Puddicombe is a former Buddhist monk with a degree in Circus Arts.

The author is on a mission to get people to take out 10 minutes, of their day to sit in. He shows his easy way to learn, but highly effective techniques of meditation.

The founder of Microsoft CorporationBill Gates says "If you're thinking about trying mindfulness, this is the perfect introduction... I'm grateful to Andy for helping me on this journey".

15. When The Body Says No: The Cost Of Hidden Stress.

When The Body Says No: The Cost Of Hidden Stress.
"When The Body Says No", is a real eye-opening book, it talks about how stress and anxiety bring down the immune system and contribute to a host illness.

The book is written by a Canadian Physician Dr. Gabor Mate. He specializes in the study and treatment of addiction.

This is an accessible book and groundbreaking book filled with the moving stories of real people, doctors, and a bestselling author, Gabor Mate. GET THIS BOOK @ AMAZON.

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