Monk Gaur Gopal Das -|BEST BOOK VAULT.
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 Monk Gaur Gopal Das

Monk Gaur Gopal Das

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Short Description:
Gaur Gopal Das" is an electrical engineer, who became a monk and works as a motivational speaker, and Indian Lifestyle coach writer of Amazing Secret Of Life.

Product Description

Monk Gaur Gopal Das.

Monk Gaur Gopal Das.
" Monk Gaur Gopal Das" is an electrical engineer, who became a monk and works as a motivational speaker, and Indian Lifestyle coach. Now He is a part of The International Society For Krishna Consciousness.

" Monk Gaur Gopal Das" is also known as Gaur Gopal Prabhu or Prabhu Gaur Gopal Das. He was born in 1973 in Maharastra, India in a Hindu Family.

He did his schooling from S.T Jude High School Dehuroad, Pune in Maharastra. In 1992 he got a diploma in electrical engineering from Cusrow Wadia Institute Of technology. Then he graduated with a degree in electrical engineering from the College Of Engineering Pune in the year 1995.

Being an electrical engineer he started working at the Hewlett Packard. However, the job in that company was not giving him any satisfaction. So he decided to give up all his desires and walk into the path of spirituality and self-realization.

In the year 1996, he joined the Indian Society For Krishna Consciousness (Iskon) after quitting his job at Hewlett Packard.

Since then Gaur Gopal Das has been learning ancient philosophy and existing modern philosophy. He has been active in the field of spirituality too. He is working every day towards the goal of self-realization under the teachings of his guru Radha Nath Swami.

Being a member of Iskon, Chowpatty Branch, Gaur Gopal Das has been giving speeches in colleges, Offices, and Companies in India and abroad. All his programs are based on subjects like happiness, relationships, and success.

Awards achieved and his writings.

In the year 2016 Gaur Gopal Das received The Rotary International Super Achiever award for his outstanding contribution in the field of spirituality. In the year 2018, his first book "Life`s Amazing Secret: How To Find Balance And Purpose In Your Life" was published. And he received a harmony doctorate by Kalinga Institute Of Industrial Technology.

The other recent writings of Gaur Gopal Das are "The Way Of The Monk: The Four-Step To Peace Purpose, And Lasting Happiness". This was published on 6th February 2020. "The Way Of The Monk: How To Find Purpose, Balance, And Lasting Happiness"  is going to get published soon, probably in August 2020.

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